Adaptively Refined Large-Eddy Simulations of Galaxy Clusters

Chapter 5 LES and SGS model

5.1 The concept of LES

The idea behind large eddy simulations (LES) is to solve the filtered equations of fluid dynamics (FE) (4.26) - (4.29) instead of the unfiltered ones (UE) (2.1)-(2.3). There are two reasons for this:

  1. 1.

    The FE represent a system with a smaller number of resolved degrees of freedom (DOF) compared with the UE. This is a necessary restriction, because the numerical discretization itself acts as a filter2020See section 3.4. and limits the number of DOF which we can resolve in a high Reynolds number flow. In effect this leads to the problem that the outcome of a simulation of turbulence using the UE depends on the numerical scheme used. If instead we solve the FE using a certain subgrid model with a characteristic cutoff length higher than the numerical cutoff length, the outcome of the turbulence simulation is only dependent on our subgrid model and not on the numerical scheme used (Mason and Brown, 1999). From this point of view, we should call a turbulence model simply a filter model.

  2. 2.

    Using the numerical cutoff as an explicit filter in an energy conserving numerical scheme converts kinetic into internal energy. But the back reaction of the internal energy on the kinetic energy can only be via the pressure term, which is presumably not right. With an explicit turbulence model, we can model the backscattering of small scale fluctuations on the resolved kinetic energy in a much better way (Schmidt, 2004). To model the backscattering we have to know explicitly the amount of energy on the scales between the cutoff scale and the Kolmogorov scale. This is what we call subgrid energy or turbulent energy and that is why the term subgrid scale (SGS) model is appropriate for the unknown terms in the FE.

Unfortunately there is a substantial variety of SGS models in the literature and no agreement on a standard model. An extensive overview of SGS models for incompressible flows can be found for example in the book by Sagaut (2006). There are fewer models explicitly for compressible flows. A simple one, that was first introduced by Schmidt (2004); Schmidt et al. (2006a), will be described in the next sections. This Schmidt model2121Actually the original implementation of the SGS model proposed by Schmidt et al. (2006a) had severe problems with energy conservation and was notoriously difficult to implement in an AMR code. The version of the Schmidt model described in this work is a simplified version, but it conserves energy and proved to be sufficient for our work., together with some corrections due to Sarkar (1992), which will be outlined later, is the model we use to describe the influence of turbulence on the resolved scales in our work.

5.2 Schmidt model

As we interpret the trace of the generalized central moment of the velocity τij as a turbulent energy, we can define a velocity of the turbulent motions2222This is based on an analogy to kinetic energy in the sense, that 12ρq2=ρet. q=2et, which is used as characteristic velocity of the subgrid terms in the Schmidt model. As a characteristic length scale the size of one grid cell lΔ is used 2323As mentioned, the implicit cutoff of our subgrid = filter model should be greater than the numerical cutoff, so one might object, that lΔ is too small for that. But every term in the subgrid model is multiplied by some dimensionless constant, which is set to a value high enough to make numerical cutoff effects insignificant..

The Schmidt model neglects the convective flux term τ^(vj,eint) and the gravitational effects Γ on the subgrid scales. The models for the other terms are described in the following sections.

5.2.1 Transport term 𝔻

The transport or diffusion term is modeled by a gradient hypothesis, by stating that the non-linear term is proportional to the turbulent velocity q2 gradient (Kolmogorov-Prandl relation, see Sagaut (2006, p.97))

𝔻=riC𝔻ρlΔq2riq. (5.1)

The constant C𝔻 is calibrated to C𝔻0.4=25 by numerical experiments (Schmidt et al., 2006b).

5.2.2 Pressure dilatation λ

For λ an estimate is used that is presumably only valid in the subsonic (nearly incompressible) regime:

λ=Cλq2riv^i. (5.2)

The constant Cλ=-15 as found by numerical experiments (Schmidt et al., 2006b).

5.2.3 Turbulent dissipation ϵ

The turbulent dissipation accounts for effects of viscosity on subgrid scales. These effects convert turbulent energy to internal energy even if, on the larger scales, the effect of viscosity can be neglected. The most simple expression which can be built from the characteristic turbulent velocity and length scale for the dissipation is

ϵ=Cϵq3lΔ. (5.3)

For our simulations we will set Cϵ=0.5.2424Suggested by W. Schmidt, personal communication.

5.2.4 Turbulence production tensor τ^(vi,vj)

The turbulence production term is symmetric in its arguments and can therefore be written as follows

τ^(vi,vj)=τ^ij=12(τ^ij+τ^ij)=12(τ^ij+τ^ji). (5.4)

By subtracting the trace of this tensor

τ^ij=12(τ^ij+τ^ji)-1nδijτ^kk+13δijτ^kk (5.5)

and recognizing that τ^kk=ρq2 we can split the tensor in a symmetric, tracefree part τ^ij*=12(τ^ij+τ^ji)-13δijτ^kk and the trace

τ^ij=τ^ij*+13δijρq2=τ^ij*+pt, (5.6)

where the trace is commonly called turbulent pressure pt.

A model for τ^ij* is based on the turbulent viscosity hypothesis. There it is assumed, that τ^ij* is of the same form like Sij* for a newtonian fluid, so

τ^ij*=-2ηtSij* (5.7)

with a turbulent dynamic viscosity ηt=ρνt=ρCνlΔq and

Sij*=12(rjv^i+riv^j)-13δijrkv^. (5.8)

The turbulence production term is therefore modeled as

τ^(vi,vj)=-2ρCνlΔqSij*+13δijρq2. (5.9)

It should be noted, that in general the old idea of turbulent viscosity (which was first forumlated by Boussinesq (1877)) is incorrect. As Pope (2000) shows, it is only true when the ratio of production of turbulent energy Σ*=τ^ij*virj to dissipation ϵ is Σ*ϵ1. If this ratio is much greater or much smaller than one the turbulent viscosity hypothesis is incorrect.

Nevertheless since it is the most common idea used to model the turbulent production tensor it is also used in the Schmidt model. Setting the constant Cν=0.05 seems to be a rational choice (Schmidt et al., 2006b).

5.2.5 Summary of the Schmidt model

Using the Schmidt model, the FE form the following system of equations

tρ+rjv^jρ=  0, (5.10)
tρv^i+rjv^jρv^i= -ri(p+pt)+ρg^i-rjτ^ij*, (5.11)
tρeres+rjv^jρeres=-riv^i(p+pt)+ρv^ig^i+ρ(λ+ϵ)-v^irjτ^*(vi,vj),) (5.12)
tρet+rjv^jρet=  𝔻-ρ(λ+ϵ)-τ^*(vj,vi)rjvi^-ptrivi^. (5.13)

Again it is often useful to split the equation for resolved energy into an equation for the resolved kinetic energy and internal energy respectively

tρe^k+rjv^jρe^k)=-v^iri(p+pt)+ρv^ig^i-v^irjτ^*(vi,vj), (5.14)
tρe^int+rjv^jρe^int=-(p+pt)rjv^j+ρ(λ+ϵ). (5.15)

5.3 Impact of the Schmidt SGS on the fluid equations

5.3.1 General observations

In this section we want to investigate the influence of the Schmidt model on the equations of fluid dynamics. This can be done most easily in a graphical way.

Figure 5.1: Energy transfer in the unfiltered equations of fluid dynamics.

One can see in figure 5.1 the energy transfer between potential, kinetic, and internal energy for the UE. We see that it is possible to convert potential energy into kinetic energy and vice versa, and also kinetic energy into internal energy and vice versa via adiabatic pressure effects. On the other side, irreversible changes of state due to viscous effects can only lead to an increase of internal energy and not(!) vice versa.

Figure 5.2: Energy transfer in the filtered equations of fluid dynamics with Schmidt SGS.

In figure 5.2 the energy transfer for the FE with the Schmidt model is depicted in the same schematical way. We see that the kinetic energy is now split into two parts: the filtered kinetic energy on resolved scales and the turbulent energy on unresolved scales. From this picture it becomes clear that the turbulent energy is converted to internal energy by the same processes as the filtered kinetic energy. Also it could be converted to potential energy2525Drawing the analogy from the conversion of kinetic into internal energy one might ask if there could be something like irreversible conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy or perhaps vice versa. But from general relativity we know that there is no gravity, there is only curvature of space time. It seems very strange to imagine something like irreversible curvature of space time., but as already mentioned, this effect is neglected in the Schmidt model and therefore not depicted here, as well as the effects due to the convective flux term.

One very important assumption that has not yet been discussed, but is also depicted in figure 5.2, is that conversion of resolved kinetic energy into internal energy due to viscous effects is neglected. Basically all SGS models that make use of the turbulent viscosity hypothesis, and therefore also the Schmidt model, assume that for high Reynolds numbers the turbulent viscosity is much greater than the real viscosity. Why this assumption can be made will be explained in section 5.3.2.

The last conclusion that can be drawn from this pictures is that certain quantities are related to the cutoff scale (Σ*,pt) and others are related to the dissipation scale (ϵ,λ). Nevertheless we find that the turbulent dissipation ϵ in the Schmidt model (and also in most other SGS models) is modeled depending on the cutoff scale lΔ, although it should ultimately only depend on the dissipation scale. As we shall see later this is a point of major concern in the development of a SGS model for an adaptive grid code.

5.3.2 Dimensional analysis

In complete analogy to the UE2626See appendix A. we can do a dimensionless analysis for the FE with the Schmidt model.

Momentum equation

Introducing the dimensionless quantities

et*=etq02,pt*=ptρ0q02,τij**=τijηv0/l0=τijρ0q0v0 (5.16)

the momentum equation can be written as

l0t0v0t*ρ*v^i*+rj*v^j*ρ*v^i*= +ρ0g0l0ρ0v02ρ*g*^i-p0ρ0v02ri*p*-q02v02ri*pt (5.17)
+η0ρ0l0v0rj*σij*-q0v0rj*τ^ij** (5.18)

From this we can estimate, that the turbulent pressure will become important, when

q02v02p0ρ0v02q02p0/ρ01 (5.19)

If we now introduce the turbulent Mach number

Mt=q0cs (5.20)

and use p0ρ0=cs2γ we see that the turbulent pressure will dominate over the thermal pressure, if

Mt2γ. (5.21)

The turbulence production tensor τ^ij* becomes important compared to the stress tensor, if

ρ0q0l0η0. (5.22)

So we see that if the turbulent viscosity is greater than the physical viscosity the turbulent production tensor will dominate over the stress tensor in the FE. The physical viscosity is

η0ρ0u0lλ (5.23)

where u0 is the mean thermal energy and lλ the mean free path of a particle, so we see that the turbulent viscosity is greater than the physical viscosity, if

q02u0(lλl0)2q02u0(Kn)2, (5.24)

which means the ratio of turbulent energy to internal energy must be greater than the square of the Knudsen number Kn=lλl0. Since in any case the Knudsen number must be much smaller than one for the continuum approximation to hold, we can practically always assume that the turbulent production tensor will dominate over the stress tensor.2727Of course this analysis is restricted to l0>lk, since if we resolve the fluid up to the Kolmogorov length lk the turbulent energy will be zero. For scales smaller than the Kolmogorov length we cannot neglect the influence of the physical viscosity. This justifies our assumption in the Schmidt model to neglect the influence of the stress tensor completely in the momentum equation and therefore also in the kinetic energy equation.

For completeness we also compare the gravitational force to the turbulent pressure, which yields

ρ0q02ρ0g0l01. (5.25)

Turbulence will thus dominate over gravity in the momentum equation, if the average turbulent energy is greater than the gravitational energy.

Internal energy equation

The internal energy equation can be analyzed in the same way as the momentum equation using the additional dimensionless quantities

eint*=eintu0,λ*=λλ0=λq02v0/l0,ϵ*=ϵϵ0=ϵq03/l0. (5.26)

This results in

l0t0u0t*ρ*e^int*+rj*v^j*ρ*e^int*=-p0ρ0v02p*rj*v^j*+η0v0ρ0u0l0σ*rj*v^j*-q02u0ptrj*v^j*+q02u0ρ*λ*+q03v0u0ρ*ϵ*. (5.27)

We see that the pressure dilatation λ will dominate over the pressure term if

Mt2γ (5.28)

and that the turbulent dissipation ϵ will dominate over the viscous dissipation, if

ρ0l0q0(q0v0)2η0(q0v0)2η0ηt. (5.29)

As shown in section 5.3.2 η0ηt, so we can always neglect the influence of the stress tensor in the internal energy equation. This also leads to the conclusion, that turbulence will be the only source of entropy in the equations, since the only irreversible conversion of energy into internal energy is via turbulent dissipation ϵ.

Turbulent energy equation

For the dimensional analysis of the turbulent energy equation we need the additional dimensionless quantity

𝔻*=𝔻ρ0q03/l0. (5.30)

Inserting it together with the dimensionless quantities introduced in the former sections yields

l0t0u0t*ρ*et*+rj*v^j*ρ*et*=  q0v0(𝔻*-ρ*ϵ*)-v0q0τ^ji**rj*vi*^-pt*ri*vi*^-ρ*λ*. (5.31)

This analysis shows that the behavior of turbulent energy equation can be completely characterized by the ratio q0v0. If q0v01, then only diffusion 𝔻 and dissipation ϵ are relevant. If q0v01 then the equation is dominated by the turbulent production term Σ*=τ^ji*rjvi^ and only if q0v01 do all terms contribute to the equation.

5.4 Sarkar model

The effect of compressibility on the structure of turbulence is an important but difficult topic in turbulence modeling and is not really taken into account by the Schmidt model. Sarkar (1992) performed simulations of simple compressible flows and investigated the influence of the mean Mach number of the flow on the turbulent dissipation ϵ and the pressure dilatation λ. Based on this analysis he suggested different models for these terms, which we will describe in the following sections. These modifications have been proven to yield good results2828See Shyy and Krishnamurty (1997). and that’s why we use them in the course of this work, when we reach the limitations of the original Schmidt model with our simulations.

5.4.1 Turbulent dissipation ϵ

As a major effect of compressibility from direct numerical simulation Sarkar (1992) identifies that the growth rate of kinetic energy decreases when the initial turbulent Mach number increases. This means that the dissipation of kinetic energy (and therefore also for the turbulent energy) increases with the turbulent Mach number Mt and Sarkar (1992) suggests accounting for this effect by using

ϵ=Cϵq3lΔ(1+α1Mt2) (5.32)

with α1=0.5 as a model for the dissipation of turbulent energy.

5.4.2 Pressure dilatation λ

Based on a decomposition of all variables of the equation for instantaneous pressure2929For a derivation see appendix E.

2ri2p=2t2ρ-2rirj(ρvivj-σij) (5.33)

into a mean and a fluctuating part and comparisons with direct numerical simulations of simple compressible flows Sarkar (1992) proposed a different model for the pressure dilatation

λ=α2Mtτ^ij*v^irj-α3Mt2Cϵq3lΔ-8α4Mt2ptv^krk (5.34)

with α2=0.15,α3=0.2 obtained from a curve fit of the model with DNS simulation. Unfortunately Sarkar (1992) does not specify a value for α4, so there is some confusion in the literature about it. For example Shyy and Krishnamurty (1997) set α4=0 and still found the Sarkar model in good agreement with their DNS simulation. In this work, we adopt a value of α4=α22/2, which was suggested in a work by Schmidt (2007).