Adaptively Refined Large-Eddy Simulations of Galaxy Clusters

Appendix E The divergence equation

We start with the momentum equation (2.2)

t(ρvi)+rj(vjρvi) =-rip+rjσij-ρriϕ,

where we assumed gi=-riϕ. If we make the substitutions riprjpδij and riϕrjϕδij we can write it in the form


Taking the divergence of this equation we get


where we assumed that t and ri commute. Using the continuity equation (2.1) we get a interesting form of the fluiddynamic equations

2t2ρ-2rirj(vjρvi+pδij-σij)=+ri(ρrjϕδij). (E.1)

In case of no gravitation, the fluiddynamic equation can be written in a form showing some similarity to a wave equation


But despite its simple form, this equation hides an extreme complexity.

Solving for pressure this equation is written like

2ri2p=2t2ρ-2rirj(ρvivj-σij) (E.2)

and sometimes called the equation for the instantaneous pressure.