Adaptively Refined Large-Eddy Simulations of Galaxy Clusters

Chapter 4 Favre-filtered equations of fluid dynamics

4.1 Basic equations

Using the Favre-Germano formalism developed in 3.3 to filter the equations of compressible selfgravitating fluid dynamics (2.1)-(2.3) leads to

tρ+rjv^jρ=  0 (4.1)
tρv^i+rjv^jρv^i= -rip+rjσij+ρg^i-rjτ^(vi,vj) (4.2)
tρe^+rjρv^je^=-rjvjp+rjviσij+ρv^ig^i+τ^(vi,gi)-rjτ^(vj,e) (4.3)


e^=e^int+12v^iv^i+12τ^(vi,vi)ρ (4.4)


τ^(vj,e)=τ^(vj,eint)+12τ^(vj,vi,vi)+v^iτ^(vj,vi) (4.5)

Filtering the equation for the kinetic energy and the internal energy alone we get:

tρe^k+rjv^jρe^k)=-virip+virjσij+ρv^ig^i+τ^(vi,gi)-rjτ^(vj,ek) (4.6)
tρe^int+rjv^jρe^int=-prjvj+σijrjvi-rjτ^(vj,eint) (4.7)


e^k=12v^iv^i+12τ^(vi,vi)ρ (4.8)


τ^(vj,ek)=12τ^(vj,vi,vi)+v^iτ^(vj,vi) (4.9)

4.2 Resolved energy and turbulent energy equations

Multiplying the filtered equation for the momentum (4.2) with the Favre-filtered velocity v^i yields the balance equation for the resolved kinetic energy:

tρ12v^iv^i+rjv^jρ12v^iv^i=-v^irip+vi^rjσij+ρv^ig^i-v^irjτ^(vi,vj) (4.10)

Adding the equation for the resolved kinetic energy (4.10) to the equation for the filtered internal energy (4.7) one gets the equation for the total resolved energy eres=e^int+12vi^vi^:

tρeres+rjv^jρeres=-v^irip+v^irjσij+ρv^ig^i-privi+σijrjvi-v^irjτ^(vi,vj)-rjτ^(vj,eint) (4.11)

The arising four terms privi,σijrjvi,τ^(vi,vj),τ^(vj,eint) in the total resolved energy represent the coupling of the unresolved fluctuations to the filtered resolved flow. We could now try to find equations based on quantities of the resolved flow, to model each of these terms independent of each other. Nevertheless we will see that the first three of these four terms can be connected by an equation for another quantity, called the turbulent energy εt. From solving the equation for this quantity we get the three terms privi,σijrjvi,τ^(vi,vj). Only the fourth term τ^(vj,eint) is not connected with the turbulent energy and has to be modeled separately.

We get the balance equation for the turbulent energy1919Interpreting the quantity τ^(vi,vi)=τ^ii as an energy is only possible, if τ^ii0. This is only guaranteed, if the filter convolution kernel is a semi-positive function in position space (Vreman et al., 1994; Sagaut, 2006). εt=ρet=12τ^(vi,vi) by subtracting the balance equation for the resolved kinetic energy (4.10) from the balance equation of the filtered kinetic energy (4.6) :

tρet+rjv^jρet=-[virip-v^irip]+[virjσij-v^irjσij]+τ^(vi,gi)-12rjτ^(vj,vi,vi)-τ^(vj,vi)rjvi^ (4.12)

For a better comparison with Schmidt et al. (2006b) we will transform the following terms like

virip =rivip-privi (4.13)
v^irip =riv^ip-priv^i (4.14)
virjσij =rjviσij-σijrjvi (4.15)
v^irjσij =rjv^iσij-σijrjv^i (4.16)

and rewrite the balance equation for the turbulent energy:

tρet+rjv^jρet=-rj[12τ^(vj,vi,vi)+vip-v^ip-viσij+v^iσij]-[priv^i-pxivi]+[σijrjv^i-σijrjvi]+τ^(vi,gi)-τ^(vj,vi)xjvi^ (4.17)

If we introduce now in analogy to Schmidt et al. (2006b) the following definitions

-μ =vip-v^ip (4.18)
-κ =viσij-v^iσij (4.19)
𝔻 =-rj[12τ^(vj,vi,vi)-μ+κ] (4.20)
ρλ =[priv^i-privi] (4.21)
ρϵ =-[σijrjv^i-σijrjvi] (4.22)
Γ =τ^(vi,gi) (4.23)

we can write the balance equation for the turbulence energy like

tρet+rjv^jρet=𝔻+Γ-ρ(λ+ϵ)-τ^(vj,vi)rjvi^. (4.24)

With the help of equations (4.13) to (4.16) and the definitions (4.21) and (4.22) we can also rewrite the equation (4.11) for the total resolved energy:

tρeres+rjv^jρeres=-riv^ip+rjv^iσij+ρv^ig^i+ρ(λ+ϵ)-v^irjτ^(vi,vj)-rjτ^(vj,eint). (4.25)

4.3 Summary

The last two equations (4.24) and (4.25) together with equation (4.1) and (4.2) (and additionally the Poisson equation for the gravity term and the equation of state) form a complete system of partial differential equations for fluid dynamics

tρ+rjv^jρ=  0, (4.26)
tρv^i+rjv^jρv^i= -rip+rjσij+ρg^i-rjτ^(vi,vj), (4.27)
tρeres+rjv^jρeres=-riv^ip+rjv^iσij+ρv^ig^i+ρ(λ+ϵ)-v^irjτ^(vi,vj)-rjτ^(vj,eint), (4.28)
tρet+rjv^jρet=  𝔻+Γ-ρ(λ+ϵ)-τ^(vj,vi)rjvi^, (4.29)

where it is often useful to split the equation for resolved energy into an equation for the resolved kinetic energy and internal energy respectively

tρe^k+rjv^jρe^k)=-v^irip+v^irjσij+ρv^ig^i-v^irjτ^(vi,vj), (4.30)
tρe^int+rjv^jρe^int=-prjv^j+σijrjv^i+ρ(λ+ϵ)-rjτ^(vj,eint). (4.31)

The explicit forms of the quantities 𝔻,λ,ϵ,Γ and τ^(vi,vj) are unknown and have to be modeled in terms of the turbulence energy et. The term τ^(vj,eint) has to be modeled independently of et. The models for all these terms represent our turbulence or subgrid model.