Adaptively Refined Large-Eddy Simulations of Galaxy Clusters

Appendix B Properties of second order tensors

A second order tensor can be decomposed into a symmetric and an antisymmetric part in the following way

Tij=12(Tij+Tji)symmetric+12(Tij-Tji)antisymmetric. (B.1)

It can also be decomposed into an isotropic and deviatoric part by subtracting and adding the trace of the tensor like

Tij=1nδijTkkisotropic+Tij-1nδijTkkdeviatoric, tracefree. (B.2)

Combining these two relations yields the general decomposition

Tij=1nδijTkkisotropic+12(Tij+Tji-2nδijTkk)symmetric, tracefree+12(Tij-Tji)deviatoric, tracefreesymmetric antisymmetric. (B.3)

An interesting relation can be found when computing the contraction of a unsymmetric tensor UijUji with a symmetric tensor Vij=Vji

UijVij=12UijVij+12UjiVji=12UijVij+12UjiVij=12(Uij+Uji)Vij. (B.4)

In analogy one finds for the contraction of an unsymmetric tensor Uij with an antisymmetric tensor Wij=-Wji

UijWij=12(Uij-Uji)Wij. (B.5)