Adaptively Refined Large-Eddy Simulations of Galaxy Clusters
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Turbulence
- 3 Filter formalism
- 4 Favre-filtered equations of fluid dynamics
- 5 LES and SGS model
- 6 AMR and LES
- 7 Numerical testing
- 8 Cluster physics
9 Simulations of galaxy clusters
- 9.1 Details of the simulations
9.2 Results
- 9.2.1 Energy conservation
- 9.2.2 Mass fractions of different gas phases
- 9.2.3 Development of turbulence in different gas phases
- 9.2.4 Scaling of turbulent energy
- 9.2.5 Radial profiles of the cluster
- 9.2.6 Spatial distribution of turbulent energy
- 9.2.7 Cluster core analysis
- 9.2.8 Influence of SGS parameters on cluster core
- 10 Summary and Conclusions
- A Dimensional analysis
- B Properties of second order tensors
- C Derivation of the stress tensor for a newtonian fluid
- D Fourier transform and structure functions
- E The divergence equation
- F Vlasov-Poisson Equations
- G Hydrostatic equilibrium
- H Fluid dynamics in comoving coordinates
- I Color fields